How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership

Amazon Prime offers lots of services like free deliveries, free music streaming, kindle books, prime video and many more. To enjoy such benefits you have to pay a fixed amount of fee monthly or annually. If you have an existing member of Amazon Prime and think that you don't need no longer Amazon Prime membership benefits, then you can cancel your Amazon Prime Membership at anytime. Cancelling your Amazon Prime Account is quite simple and easy. Here is how to do it:

How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership

  1. Firstly, visit the website and login to your account. After login, navigate to the top right corner on the page. Hover your personalized greetings that read "Accounts & Lists" and click on"Your Prime Membership from the dropdown menu.


  2. The left hand side of the "Your Prime Membership" will show all your membership info, including your preferred payment card, the date your card is good through, as well an option to end your membership."
  3. Look for the "End Membership and Benefits" option on the left side of the page and click on it.


  4. On the next page, Amazon will try to convince you to stay on board with Prime by reminding all the benefits you will be missing out on should decide to go through with the cancellation. Scroll to the bottom and choose the I Do Not Want My Benefits button.


  5. Amazon will ask you twice to make sure that you want to cancel your membership. Click Continue to Cancel and Cancel Membership on the two subsequent screens that appear to cancel your account.



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